Sunday, June 29, 2014

Juan's Headshots!

For this shoot, it was raining. But, I was determined to not reschedule and do the shoot at my back-up plan "rainy day location." I've had this location in the back of my head for times like this because I performed a play last this month here and there is a nice big roof over the stage that looks out to 3rd Street Park. The lighting was just perfect because of the overcast and I could catch it all without getting Juan and I wet! I got to do some different angles and am just excited that this location worked out. I think it was perfect for Juan. Here are my favs!

What do you think?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Taylor [Part one]

Here is the moment you have all been waiting for..
Okay, maybe it's only be that's been waiting...

I haven't gotten the chance to fully sit down on a rainy day at my new fav coffee shop (PourHouseCoffee) to start digging into Taylor's pictures until now. This shoot is unique because it's the first time I used my new reflector toy and also it's at a location that Taylor let me use (her family owns this property), which is absolutely beautiful. It was a photographer's dream: an old rustic barn, rustic chairs, a tire swing, railroad track, overgrown grass, woods, and even a friendly cat! I knew that Taylor would happily be my guinea pig for my new piece of equipment, so I just went all out with her (skipping class was totally worth it). Oh--and we managed to get some great headshots (which is what she wanted me to shoot in the first place)!

So I present to you Taylor's Shoot, Part One.

And there's way, way more.
Stay tuned for Part Two..coming soon.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Yolanda's Headshot Session!

Yolanda was the assistant director for a play I was recently in at Monroe County Civic Theatre. Once I mentioned to the cast that I do photography and have summer specials going, I immediately heard from half the cast about wanting to book a session with me! They have been amazing about promoting me!

So here we have the amazing and beautiful Yolanda. With this shoot I knew I was going to do something around trees or a big field. She just has the most natural look and I wanted to capture that look on camera. So, I picked Dunn Meadow and also the area outside of the union by Dunn Meadow.

Her session was short and sweet, only because I succeeded what I wanted in her shoot within the first 20 minutes!

So as you can tell, we did some with and some without her glasses. She normally wears her glasses all the time, but we wanted to have some without just in case. It's so amazing how different she looks without glasses--almost like a different person! She looks stunning in both!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

First Post

Welcome to the official blog of KC Photography!! Too bad my other one, Come Away With Me didn't work anymore..that kind of just shattered. But new website calls for a new blog so here we are fresh and ready.

I like to keep a blog of all the sessions I have done so that's just what I'll do! I will also post tips and info on poses or photography things (I am a journalism major so I love doing those magazine type list stories.) so stay tuned for those throughout the year. 

I am so glad I am continuing this little business this summer. I really have grown to love photography the more I do it--especially the type of sessions I do! Every person is different and I'm telling you--there's something so beautiful in each and every individual. I love going back to my editing and staring at those faces for hours (in a non-creepy way)! All the perfect subtlety in some people..and then bursts of energy and joy in others. It's addicting. It really just makes you love life.

One of the people that I've always and still to this day look up to is my High school English teacher, Jacqui Sheehan. I feel weird even calling her an "English teacher" because she is much more than that. She is someone that has a lot of PASSION. And, if you couldn't tell, I'm all about that! I don't really know how I got into photography, I think I've always kind of liked it but never had a camera or time, but once I started, I looked back at my senior session with Miss Sheehan and how comfortable I was with her. Her pictures are real. That's something I strive to achieve in my pictures too. Anyway, here is one picture that I found looking back...for some reason I looked over this one--but now I really think it's so awesome. As a photographer, you can really learn a lot from being the subject of photoshoots! I really hope I get to do a shoot with her again someday. She's amazing!

Okay moving on from those deep thoughts..basically, I have found a passion in this that I am so excited to share with people! So enjoy these beautiful journeys with me and share these pictures I've created. Support me if you will.

Stay tuned.